Don’t Know Much About Apple TV  

Time Warner Cable’s CEO doesn’t know about the Apple TV’s AirPlay feature – but at least he does know about the Apple TV. I guess that’s something. It’s like Sony’s CEO knowing about the iPod, but not the iTunes Music Store.

The story isn’t just on tech blogs like Bits and Daring Fireball, I’m getting email about it too. There’s an absurdity here. A laugh that can’t be passed up.

Maybe unawareness of this sort pervades companies. Maybe someone should see if Yahoo’s leadership (do they have a leadership?) is aware of GMail? I wonder if anyone at Barnes and Noble knows about the Kindle? Don’t rush to @reply them, I bet they know.

I don’t think it’s Time Warner CEO Glenn Britt’s fault. I blame the near-monopolistic conditions that most cable companies operate under. Innovation almost certainly requires competition or at least the threat of competition.

I might be just like Glenn Britt if I was the CEO of a public utility masquerading as a private company. For instance, this guy hates set top boxes. Me too. If only one of us knew someone in a position to make them better or scrap them all together. Hmmm.


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Gaffe Rigged Campaigns

Some days the media can’t but help but eat its own tail. Today we have some journalistic commentary considering why there is so much coverage of campaign gaffes. Michael Calderone and Sam Stein reporting for The Huffington Post on the “... Continue →